“Everyday it’s a work in progress being comfortable… “

- G-Ma

The Body Project:
2019 - Present

The Body Project is a multi-media web series about my body and the beauty standards I grew up with and held myself to. This project is also a way for me to reflect on the way I have been treated and how that affected my self image. I am using this process to learn to love myself again and in asking others to reflect with me and be vulnerable, I hope to inspire people to not only be more inclusive but to reflect and grow their self-confidence in the way they feel is right for them.

Episode 1 is essentially an overview of what is to come. In following episodes, I will dive deeper and talk more about my personal experiences, colorism and history of beauty standards for women of color, Fetishizing women of color, and have others share stories of their experiences and encouragement.

*Production of the next few episodes have been put on hold as I take a mental health break from this project. For updates, feel free to follow my instagram page linked below.


Episode 1

In this episode, I asked some of the women in my family to tell be about experiences they’ve had with body immage and beauty standards growing up and mention some of my own (to be talked about in detail in episode 2). Episode 1 is essentially an overvier of what’s to come.


Past Video Projects